
Jaguar XF Upper Supercharger Pulley Upgrade 4.2L (2.5lb)

SKU: 2.5UPRPLY-XF Categories: , , ,

Jaguar XF Upper Supercharger Pulley Upgrade 4.2L (2.5lb). Jaguar XF 4.2L V-8 Upper Supercharger Pulley Upgrade (2.5lb).

Eurotoys Ltd. was the 1st to offer/manufacture these Blower pulleys for the XF Jaguar.

This smaller supercharger pulley will give you a modest power improvement of approximately 30-35HP. The Pulley should be added along with Eurotoys supercharger porting and ECU Tuning for a major power gain.

***Your car will still retain the factory belt, but “Modifications” to the blower are required! The nose-drive of the supercharger will have to be machined down to clear this small pulley. It is possible to do this machine work by “hand” with a Dremel or similar tool. Keep in mind that the supercharger can be damaged!

*Boost levels are subject to ambient air temperature, weather conditions and elevation.

**No ECU Tuning is required for this Supercharger Upgrade!

**The Rental program for this Special tool will cost $180.00. When the tool is returned undamaged, you will be refunded $120.00. So in the end, this tool rental will cost you $60.00 + Shipping (This tool can also be Purchased/Viewed in our Accessories section).

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